We are absolutely thrilled to announce the success of our biggest fundraiser to date. Our 'Florida Here We Come' campaign, which was run through the crowdfunding platform Charity Extra, ran across 2nd and 3rd November. A massive 91 teams took part in the 36-hour fundraising weekend. Teams comprised individuals, couples, groups of friends and volunteers from previous trips and corporate supporters.
Throughout the weekend, the Destination Florida team posted photos and encouraging videos from some of the children who had been on the previous trip. There were heart warming interviews from parents and VIC’s (Ver yImportant Children), trustees and supporters, to remind people why they were doing it.
Just before the final hour on the Sunday we held a Microsoft Teams so that we could do the final countdown with as many of the 91 teams as possible as well as express our thanks for everyone’s support.
It was a fabulous weekend, and we still can’t get over how much was raised.